Guest Post: Cybersecurity for OT Systems?
By Kevin Callahan, Product Evangelist Alerton, and Pook-Ping Yao, CEO at Optigo Networks In late 2019, Alerton hosted a conference for its partners in California. There, Eric O’Neill, a former FBI counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence operative, spoke about cybersecurity in our new age of smart technology and connectivity. A question came from the audience: how do […]
Separate OT Networks: The Future of Smart Building Security?
Because OT devices have limited, specific, and predictable needs for Internet access, separation means OT networks can be aggressively firewalled, or even isolated entirely.
Addressing Cybersecurity Concerns in OT Networks
By the end of 2030, there will be more than 30 billion connected devices installed worldwide. Malicious actors will hunt through this wealth of targets for their next cash grab.
Securing the Internet of Things
Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) are different in a lot of ways, from their design to their maintenance workflows and more. When IT and OT merge, these differences create new challenges for cybersecurity.
Secure Connect Q&A: Bernhard Isler and David Fisher
We recently hosted a webinar on BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC) with special guests Bernhard Isler from Siemens and David Fisher from PolarSoft, two main figures behind BACnet/SC. We talked about why BACnet/SC was developed, and how it will affect everyday users. As expected, we got a ton of audience questions, on everything from hubs to […]
Introduction to BACnet Secure Connect
Everyone’s growing more aware of the need for cybersecurity. There have been so many cyberattacks in recent years, that it’s almost impossible to ignore. But there’s long been a view that cybersecurity is only an IT issue. Historically, building automation with BACnet has taken a different approach to cybersecurity, leading to confusion. That’s changing in […]
Put Security First With OneView and OneClick Secure from Optigo Networks
The need to balance security and convenience is why Optigo Networks has introduced OneClick Secure, a unique feature that secures the edge of your network.
Cybersecurity of Building Automation Systems
On August 31, 2016, Optigo Networks hosted an online round table to provide for peer exchange on trends in cybersecurity of Building Automation Systems (BAS). Participants included building operations security officials from a major North American government agency, bank, university, and municipality, as well as two volunteers with BACnet International. “Cybersecurity is a hot topic […]