The Case for BACnet/IP

Optigo Networks' webinar on the case for BACnet IP with guest Phil Zito Building Automation Monthly

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For better or worse, MS/TP remains a dominant force in our connected buildings. It’s widely installed. Manufacturers continue to produce MS/TP-friendly devices. Some out there shudder at the thought of replacing MS/TP with new technology. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Yet slowly, more and more buildings are moving onto BACnet/IP. There aren’t any hard and fast numbers on installations of IP versus MS/TP, but there is a growing shift in the industry. Not just because of the technological benefits — although IP is lauded for its simplicity and inherent connectivity. No, the shift is due to the business benefits of BACnet/IP.

What is the business case for BACnet/IP? How can we get this technology working for us today?

Join our webinar with Phil Zito of Building Automation Monthly and our very own Ryan Hughson, as they delve into these layers of BACnet. Find out if, and why, BACnet/IP is the right choice for our smart buildings.

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