The True Cost of OT Network Blind Spots

A photograph of a man peeking through vertical blinds

When the systems that run our buildings (like heating and cooling, lights, and elevators) stop working, it’s more than just an inconvenience—it can cause major problems. Unlike computer networks that often have backups, building systems usually don’t. There’s no spare set of elevators or backup lights waiting to be switched on.


Image: Marianna Zuzanna

Excerpt: If you’re in the business of providing service, you know: One of the best ways to help up ROI is to maximize the value in every service contract you sell. Deploying OptigoVN is an easy way to do just that.


Selling hardware to your customers is a net positive for everyone. So how do you encourage customers to break into their budgets for upgrades and replacements? Leveraging OptigoVN is a great way to bring data-based proof to your customers when it comes time to make recommendations.

How Penn State Solved MS/TP Issues Overnight

Penn State University Pattee Mall

When Tom Walker looked at Penn State University’s Navy Yard network, he saw big issues.  The system was busy and loud. So loud, that the overrun MS/TP network was bringing down the entire building.  Because this was happening on the MS/TP network, pinpointing the problem would mean boots on the ground to segment and test […]

What is KNX?

A string of blue lightbulbs on a white background.

BACnet gets compared to a lot of other protocols on the market, including LonWorks, Modbus, and KNX. We’re explaining how each of these protocols are different, and how they stack up against each other. In this article, learn about KNX.

The Argument for IT/OT Network Separation

Basics of OT networks cover

OT Networks Overview Operational Technology (OT) networks in smart buildings consist of elevators, lighting, HVAC, surveillance, or anything attached to the building. With these devices becoming more connected and networked, it’s possible to consolidate IT and OT networks. However, there are many benefits to IT/OT network separation. Separation helps optimize the IT and OT devices […]