Optigo Networks Featured in IoT Public Policy Report

IoT in Canada Optigo Networks featured

There is massive potential for growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart building technology: McKinsey put IoT near the top of its list of disruptive tech with a big economic impact, and a TELUS/IDC report projects spending on IoT to reach $21 billion in Canada by 2018. While Canadian companies are at the forefront of IoT innovation, the Public Policy Forum suggests the Internet of Things could be better supported by Canadian businesses, governments, and post-secondary institutions.

The Public Policy Forum led roundtable discussions and interviewed dozens of thought leaders in developing a recent report. The report looks at how and why Canada might further support the development of IoT, citing examples of companies developing cutting-edge technology.

Smart buildings, for example, simplify daily operations and improve productivity; help to “personalize” a work or living space according to individuals’ preferences; and can have positive environmental effects. With this smart building technology, though, comes the need for security and ease of use. The Public Policy Forum featured Optigo Networks as one company helping to keep smart buildings safe.

“Vancouver-based Optigo Networks offers networking hardware products capable of connecting thousands of smart devices on a property using optical cabling along with a web interface to centrally manage the entire network. Optigo has also developed a web interface that can identify problems in network communications based on protocol standards and help building operators anticipate problems.”

The future of buildings is hardware that functions harmoniously, anticipates needs, and responds to requests quickly. We work every day to expand the power of IoT technology while keeping it safe and accessible. Thank you to the Public Policy Forum for featuring Optigo Networks in this report!

Read the Public Policy Forum’s report and five recommendations on IoT in Canada.

Image via Public Policy Forum report.

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