Optigo Networks blasts off in ICT

ready to rocket top company optigo

Optigo Networks is happy to announce that we are Ready to Rocket’s top pick for a company in ICT this year. This puts us in the upper stratosphere for information and communications tech companies.

Optigo Networks is happy to announce that we are Ready to Rocket’s top pick for a company in ICT this year. This puts us in the upper stratosphere for information and communications tech companies.

Ready to Rocket is a business recognition program, showcasing revenue growth leaders in Canada. The organization profiles emerging tech companies with strong potential for revenue growth. Companies must show potential for 50–100% growth and the ability to leverage trends and partnerships in the industry. Optigo was selected as the strongest out of more than 450 tech companies.

In the past year, we’ve formed significant partnerships, hired high-performance team members, and accelerated our growth. With another strong year ahead, we’re proud to be recognized as a tech leader in Canada and ICT.

Thank you to the Ready to Rocket team for this recognition!

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